The system seems quite a bit quicker than it was in Windows - though in all honesty this will also be because I’m still on a fairly fresh install.
I don’t think your Linux install is likely to slow down the way Win does.
The little icon jumping next to your cursor when opening a program (I know, I’m easily amused).
I consider Win unique as an OS that doesn’t provide feedback when something is happening in the background. It’s infuriating.
The lingering feeling of instability.
You’ve spent decades on the other system and when you started, you were too young to feel anxiety about it. You’ll get used to it.
The capslock works differently, apparently. I’m used to writing every capital letter using the capslock key, meaning if I write a capital at the beginning of a word, I press capslock, then type the first letter, then quickly press capslock again and type the rest.
I don’t understand why you don’t use the Shift key. I’m not trying to be an ass; why not use Shift?
I say all of this as a Mac guy who uses Linux for servers and such. I don’t daily-drive Linux as a desktop platform. But I greatly respect Linux and pay to support the Asahi Linux project (they are building Linux for Apple Silicon). I wish you all the best finding your way in a Windows-free world.
I will check this out!