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Studies have also shown that doctors using AI don’t do better than just doctors but AI on its own does. Although, that one is attributed to the doctors not knowing how to use chatgpt.
Hasn’t it been demonstrated that AI is better than doctors at medical diagnostics and we don’t use it only because hospitals would have to take the blame if AI fucks up but they can just fire a doctor that fucks up?
That’s a lie, though. There’s no way to safely drive a car unless you fuck up the infrastructure for every other means of transportation, including walking.
You don’t seem to understand the difference between free as in freedom and free as in beer that is literally the cornerstone of the free software community.
About a year since I upgraded from my RX580 and I only did it because I got an amazingly stupid deal on a RX7600 ($175 about 3 months after launch). Otherwise, the card is fine and is, in fact, still being used on my cousin’s PC.