My personal use devices are all some variation of Pingu (eg. iPingu, Pingtendo etc.), and my NAS devices are based off Pokémon puns (Storlax and Archivysaur currently).
My wife on the other hand is boring, so her’s are just system default.
My personal use devices are all some variation of Pingu (eg. iPingu, Pingtendo etc.), and my NAS devices are based off Pokémon puns (Storlax and Archivysaur currently).
My wife on the other hand is boring, so her’s are just system default.
Christ, I can’t believe I’m going to have to begin a comment with these words so early in my life…
…but back in my day, the vast majority of the back of a game case was reserved to screenshots, and to describe the features and plot of a game. Not the intricacies of the T&Cs you need to agree to prior to playing!