she sends us all DM’s, thats the joke
from all different instances. its becoming a good meme. I suspect parsing the mod log for her name is a hoot
invest in a tape backup, tape formats like LTO will last LTO tapes are cheap and durable. Write time can be slow but reading is quick enough for what it is
sure an EMP might corrupt it but if you are that paranoid, you could use a safe for shielding
he gets a funny look on his face after he fucks a strangers couch
it’s like this with almost everything
it’s amazing how you can break almost everything down into terms a neanderthal can understand and the short sighted conservative will break from their script
but breaking down simple concepts can be so overwhelming… and the right takes your exhaustion as an expression of failure.
it’s a never ending battle
i have known racist queers but they aren’t hateful with their racism. i think it’s the hateful part that makes it different. one guy I am thinking about is black and prefers white guy partners. He will go off on all his lovers with different people and he just admits his preference is racist but he doesn’t talk bad about other races.
when that guy was 25, house prices were probably in the $20k for a good house. If he built it, even cheaper. He’s equating two things that don’t really have relevance to anything but his memory
he’s also not taking advantage of his options for being a senior on fixed income nor did he prepare for his retirement properly if all he has is social security
going to college to learn technology in the 1990s would have been useless for acquiring the skills that I have developed and honed in my 25+ years in tech