Id guess it knocks over Canada’s housing bubble they built, and we have a lost decade like Japan due to trillions in misallocated capital.
Its mainly full recourse loans as well, its incredibly irresponsible to do mass immigration and stoke demand to distort the market. Its almost like they wilfully broke our country to push climate policy, I can’t see any other way to explain it.
The real weird part is he quit Brookfield’s ESG department to be the PM, and one of his only policies announced so far is to replace the carbon tax with a foreign emitters tariff style tax, and to allow them to buy carbon credits from company like Brookfield.
Which is known to be no more than greenwashing, as we are still the only county in the G7 without high speed rail, and he also supports mass immigration from low emitting country. Then there was talk of letting Brookfield manage Canadian pension system, its all very fishy.
No, he pushed mass immigration, in order to derive what he calls economic growth as we trade homes back and forth for ever larger sums, as zoning and developer fees prevent new development.
Housing and rents doubled in 10 years as we did 4% population growth and bought 50% of mortgage bonds, all as he was a Liberal advisor. He’s a champaign socialist like our NDP, and we have no real worker parties left.
What do you use NFS for, isn’t NFS relatively obsolete by now?
Assume I know not much about file shares.
Nobody has ever died from nuclear waste.
Nuclear waste itself is a misnomer, there is no waste it’s just uneconomical to use at a certain point, it still has a ton of energy potential.
If people stopped being hysterical about a technology they don’t understand we could probably develop it.
Mass transit actually does remove carbon and lasts a century, your Tesla is made using coal.
Maybe the stupid decision was helping the rich buy EV to replace their 2 year old Lexus, instead of funding mass transit?
Like why is the poor funding this to begin with, during a housing crisis none the less where we need mass transit more than ever.
Like a PRISM for China, is every powerful country just backdooring each other?
First world countries will be scrambling to replace their high tech industries as China eats their lunch.
Read project 2025, it views India as the most aggregious.
Which has the highest tariffs.
The 2% inflation target that excludes all investments you mean, so that we must consume more every year otherwise interest rates collapse and we gush out money like a sprinkler, as the rich load up on debt to short cash with their ever inflating collateral while gold and houses rise 10% a year.
Why’s that not a concern for literally anything else?
Why is IKEA allowed to operate, why can I buy shoes at Walmart when Canadian cobblers exist?
We either benefit from globalization or we don’t, isn’t that much at least true?
How about a thin 35$ wedge?
Is it insanely good, like Factorio level polish, or was it just hyped due to recency bias?
Should I buy Baldurs Gate 3, its extremely expensive still.
Its project 2025, the goal is to get restrictions on the US repealed. So we need to allow them access to our bank, dairy, telecoms, remove the digital service tax, etc…
Just read the document, its clearly crafted by Trump. There is no way the heritage foundation thinks a border wall is an efficient usage of resources, nor is capital punishment an economic policy, they are Trumpisms of things hes convinced himself of over the decades.
Because the rich don’t affect much in our current monetary policy, its the velocity of money that matters rather than the quantity.
If they start buying out every grocery store then prices rise, interest rates rise, and their asset prices fall.
Its the central bank that debases your salary though, making it buy less and forcing a wall of debt to gatekeep your housing.
Can’t have the people using unsanctioned software.