Horrible advice. Atrociously bad. Dont talk to the cops without consulting a lawyer.
beep boop
Horrible advice. Atrociously bad. Dont talk to the cops without consulting a lawyer.
To be fair, this shape is pretty close to Lara Crofts og tiddies
One good thing that might come out of all of this, is that USA people might stop being so annoying about how great and perfect their country supposedly is whenever you talk to them. Every time i hear someone chanting “USA, USA” i fell like whacking them with a bat.
Ooh i did not know about that, interesting. However they could just have built their GPS sats in such a way that allows a wide range of frequency jamming anyways.
Information that cant be indexed by a search engine is completely worthless to anyone looking for answers. It might aswell not be there.
Dude i am so glad. Discord was always a cancer, i hope this will spell the beginning of the end of discord. Its the number one biggest offender in terms of limiting access to information on the internet right now. It needs to die.
Sadly true. Fuck the CDU and AfD. Nazi helpers and Nazis.
Because humans are fucking stupid and history always repeats itself.
a new 90% tax on any annual income above €400,000
Lmao. Probably not gonna happen but based af
Ah yes, psychopaths beyond saving as usual.