Might I encourage everyone to conveniently forget to ever end the boycott. There are much better options out there.
Might I encourage everyone to conveniently forget to ever end the boycott. There are much better options out there.
Thanks for constantly providing cover for Trump NYT!
Get fucked with your passive language. It isn’t seen as deadly serious, they’re threats against our fucking sovereignty.
Nor Tibet, Nor Taiwan, Nor Hong Kong - China may not be as willing to engage in intercontinental wars but it absolutely does use force or the threat of force to bully neighbors. Anyone denying Chinese aggression hasn’t been watching the South China Sea.
Fucking good. We don’t deal in chaos.
You meant to use jilted (as in jilted lovers) - gilted means covered in a thin layer of gold… and if you wanted gilted you’d probably be better of using gilded which is a much more commonly used word for essentially the same connotation of richness.
Don’t. The tech world has been aware that Musk is a piece of shit for more than a decade.
Anyone working for a Musk company approves of his craziness.
I don’t care how we get him there - as long as we don’t give Elon a rocket to get back.
10/10 would nerd out in PHP again.
I’m not indifferent, I’ll happily buy them all a pint