Let’s traumatize our academic institutions and research industry
-a country famous for innovation and technology making a decision they surely will not regret.
I don’t read my replies
Let’s traumatize our academic institutions and research industry
-a country famous for innovation and technology making a decision they surely will not regret.
Ah ha, Of course. Mysterious memes should be considered loss until proven otherwise.
My knee-jerk take is that this is violence in video games part two, electric boogalo. But reading the article, goddam have all of you guys seen beheading videos? I’m too sensitive for that stuff and learned that lesson on rotten.com.
In a book I just read the protagonist cautions his son that once something is in your head, it’s impossible to get it out. And I think that’s great advice.
There should be a warning label on any establishment or product that requires a smartphone to use.
I tried to read MK once, it was impenetrable. If you’re not intimately familiar with continental politics from the F/P war through Wiemar, most of it will sail noiselessly above your head.
I read in a history once that the joke in Nazi Germany was that Mine Kamph was like the Bible; everyone owned a copy, but nobody read it.
I’ll never understand the anti-theist obsession with religion. They survey everything before them, scanning for signs of faith like a hawk searching for mice.
For me, one of the best things about atheism is I can automatically depreciate the significance of all that dumb shit.