3 years ago I needed a new computer and decided on an 16 inch M1 Macbook Pro, but did lots of overthinking about if I wanted to stick to it. I tried Asahi Linux didn’t have any reasons at the time to use linux over macOS (but there was always the chance I might later), the build quality is 2nd to none, none of my Windows laptops lasted more than a few years.
3 years later, I’ve really been itching to switch to Linux. Two of several reasons: because its DEs are more customizable, it has better documented accessibility APIs if you want to make keyboard navigation software. I reinstalled Asahi Linux and really tried to make it my daily driver, but the lacks of apps would require me to dual boot: Photoshop and Roblox.
I researching again for computers closest to Macbook Pros but none of them come close to its build quality. I think it would be best for me to make my own desktop PC for linux. I don’t think I’d fare well with another windows laptop brand.
The only thing that makes me question that is my current laptop not having a working headphone jack port. It’s most likely a hardware issue that I would need to put a ton of work into figuring out why it isn’t working properly. It’s a Samsung Galaxy Book, so I would have to look up the specific model and find out what hardware they use, which I’m not too fussed about since I can just begrudgingly use bluetooth.
Same type of issue with the last shitty worse-than-a-toaster laptop with detachable touchscreen monitor laptop I used to have that ran Ubuntu (my first experience with Linux in general).
Headphone jacks on laptops are the bane of my existence when it comes to Linux (obviously not including android because I count that as its’ own separate entity).
What are people doing with their laptops, mine never break, except one time when I knocked a cup of water into one in 2005.
My latest one, Asus Zenbook is already 3 years old and no issues. Has a dent in the top cover where a nurse kicked my bag when I was in hospital.
My previous one, a dell Inspiron which my 9yo has had for 2 years, is 6 years old, he is not gentle.
Previous to that, I had a work supplied Alienware that lasted 7 years, I traveled internationally with that one quite a few times.
Not sure if I’m lucky, or more careful than average. But I hear about “build quality” issues a lot in internet posts. I’ve just never seen it in the wild…
Note: all ran/run various flavours of Linux.
I have an Asus Zenbook I bought when Windows 10 came out 10 years ago. Dropped, dented, scratched etc. still works great, runs all programs, though not Windows 11 - so I’ll either have to use a 3rd party antivirus or change the OS to Ubuntu or something.
I used to run Ubuntu, but started liking it less and less.
After jumping around for a while, I settled on Mint. It is really nice, stable and easy to use for beginners, but everything is there for advanced users also.
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve used Ubuntu a few times in the past on old computers it worked well although I do remember some headache trying to get the sound card to work well. But this was 10 years or so ago so I will look at Mint thanks.
I found the desktop was much nicer in Ubuntu compared with Windows. I find it bizarre that Windows still only has a very rudimentary, token option for multiple desktops.
except one time when I knocked a cup of water into one in 2005.
This but repeatedly for some people. I only drink from my metal bottles, and turn away from my computer. Admittedly I could be more careful by moving away from the computer but now its been years since it happened.
9 years and 4 months ago I bought an Acer laptop with a 4 core Intel Skylake with hyperthreading (i7-6700HQ) and a Nvidia GTX 960M, because the laptop I had was slow for compiling in my classes at Uni, and I wanted a discrete GPU for the occasional game when away from my Desktop PC (winter break and such (still use it for that btw)). I regretted that three times:
First when I wanted to install Linux instead of just using VMs. In early 2016 the kernels on live system ISOs didn’t properly support Skylake yet, so I fucked around with Arch a bunch, but didn’t end up keeping it installed. Don’t remember why, probably got busy with schoolwork.
Then a while later, after I had installed Ubuntu or Fedora at some point, the next issue was that cooperative mode of Bluetooth and Wifi on the included Intel wireless chip wasn’t well supported (even found an Intel Bluetooth dev saying as much on a mailing list), and it hung sometimes, so I had to make a script to turn the chip off and then rescan the PCI bus, that worked as a workaround but was still annoying.
Finally when we had Machine Learning classes I thought I might be able to use CUDA locally, so I tried installing the proprietary Nvidia driver and was greeted by a black screen on the next boot. Had to boot from a live system and chroot in to remove the proprietary crap again.
On my Desktop PC I have used AMD GPUs for quite a while and dual booting Windows and Linux has always been a breeze.
I bought a Dell Inspiron circa 2014 intending to run Windows on it. I was dabbling in Linux playing with Raspberry Pis, but didn’t really have designs to run Linux on my main computers. I found Windows 8.1 so unlivable that I tried out Linux Mint.
That laptop just kept dying.
I went around and around with Dell support for a semester about that damn laptop. I was going back to school, I bought a laptop for school, I didn’t get that fucking laptop. I did an entire semester of coursework with a Kindle Fire and two Raspberry Pis (a 1B and a 2). They finally replaced the damn thing with a different model, that was missing a lot of features I had ordered. Dell is at the top of my goddamn blacklist.
Anyway, the first x86 machine I ran Linux on, Linux compatibility wasn’t a factor, and then I really didn’t get a choice anyway because I didn’t get the machine I ordered. But I’ve had dental surgeries that I enjoyed more than Windows 8.1.
In the early days, Linux Mint needed a kernel update to support the trackpad. I’m still not convinced the dedicated GPU ever worked. I had an external docking station that was very meh. It did the job though, I actually still have it in service. It won’t run Windows 11 I don’t think but modern Linux runs just fine.
I’ve since built two desktops with Linux compatibility in mind which have worked very well, and a little Lenovo thing to use as a shop tablet which…could be a lot better.
I got quite lucky, as my first laptop when I switched to Linux, was all-AMD and I had zero AMD issues. So when I was looking for a new laptop a few months back, I stumbled upon a cheap recent Thinkpad, with great specs, all AMD, and got it ASAP. Again, zero issues. But because of the Nvidia horror stories I’ve heard, I knew that there would be no Nvidia on my new machine. That was non-negotiable.
To be fair, your issue seems more to be software based than hardware.
I should warn you that even if you do get a x86 laptop, Photoshop is rather janky under Wine and Roblox could find a way to kill the Vinegar client in the future.
I’d recommend you borrow a friend’s machine and give it a spin, you might unfortunately not be off the dual-booting hook just yet…I have a Framework 16. Is it as well-built, efficient, or quiet as a MacBook Pro? Nope. But if something breaks I can easily replace it, and I can upgrade it without having to throw everything away. Also, hot-swappable ports. That’s nice too.
It’s all about trade-offs in the end.
I second the Framework laptops. I’ve bought 4 Framework 13s so far, and no issues with any of them.
My 13 certainly looks like a MacBook and it’s a bit loud no doubt but yeah, I just upgraded a a couple things like more RAM etc and it took all of maybe 5 minutes. Great stuff.
Yeah, the 13 feels a lot more solid. The 16 pays a certain price for its enhanced configurability. Honestly, though, a full-size touchpad module would go a long way to fixing that. The two spacers next to the keyboard look fine (if the keyboard is centered) but the touchpad spacers look less great.
I really don’t understand why people bother with Adobe products. I’ve been using Gimp for like 20 years and it’s never been lacking. I’ve never once thought about re-pirating Photoshop.
Garageband on the other hand… I would kill for a linux equivalent.
I agree, but have you tried traction waveform? Closest option I think but not as polished or accessible.
Text on GIMP absolutely blows. I have way less issues working with DDS files on PS compared to GIMP. I also used to have issues with fuzzy select but that may have been a skill issue on my part.
(I haven’t gotten a chance to work with 3.0)
Text is better. Not perfect. Better.
Reaper runs on Linux. It doesn’t come with libraries for sound though if that is what you use garage band for.
I just can’t justify spending the money on a Macbook.
I mean they are great, but I don’t want to pay for MacOS if I don’t use it.
I say go for the desktop for grunty work and pick up an older thinkpad for the mobile use case or just remote in with your macbook. I have a T580 (last of the dual batteries, infinite battery life baby), works an absolute treat on linux and next best build quality to a macbook but with a repair manual and massive upgradeability.
I run Arch EndeavourOS on an old ThinkPad Yoga and it’s good. Fingerprint devices unfortunately seem to be heavily suppressed in Linux by whatever proprietary or encrypted firmware trash is going on, but those devices are not really important.
Best luck I’ve had with laptops has been Razer, actually. They’re gaming laptops, so a bit warm and loud and the battery life isn’t great, but they’re built like a brick, can be easily opened, all parts are easily replaceable/upgradeable, and since they generally use Intel everything, Linux compatibility is solid as well (except for RGB lighting and stuff, but with OpenRazer and Polychromatic even that usually works except for brand new models).
My last laptop was a Razer Blade 14 which ran great for like 6 years before I just got bored and decided I wanted to upgrade to a newer model with a better display. Over the 6 years I used it I upgraded the RAM, SSD, added a second SSD, upgraded the WiFi card, etc. It ran literally 24/7 during that entire time other than brief moments when I shut it down to throw in a backpack for travel, the only thing I had to replace for maintenance was the battery. I now have a Razer Blade 16 which has been great for the last year, zero issues, also running 24/7.
Before Razer I used Dell, Lenovo, HP, and Asus. None of them lasted more than 2-3 years before either the plastic crap holding it together fell apart, or the monitor, mouse, or keyboard failed, or I wanted/needed to upgrade something that was not user-replaceable (usually RAM or WiFi).
I question my choice of Nvidia every day
the ultra high end computers with coreboot/libreboot from linux makers (ie system76, slimbook, tuxedo, pursim, starlabs, etc.) are the only things you’re going to find with comparative build quality, but a significantly higher price tag.
you could also get one of the high end computers from ordinary computer makers, but the build quality is going to vary a lot, even with computers from the same manufacturer.
Lenovo sells their thinkpads with Linux too. And they’re absolute tanks.
glad to hear; which ones?
I believe all of them?
I haven’t tested it, but there seem to be a Roblox client for Linux.
Sober works great, and is the only method that still works from the ones I’ve tried. I think most of them stopped working because of Roblox’s new Hyperion Anticheat which blocked WINE (unsure if they unblocked it at a later point as they promised, but I’d bet they didn’t).
Side note: The creators of Sober also maintain a project called Vinegar, which allows for Roblox Studio to be installed under Linux (it used to be for both Player and Studio, until the anticheat for the Player was introduced)
Roblox can also be installed via lutris on Linux.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work on ARM devices right now.
Ah that’s unfortunate. You’re still dual booting to Arm Windows and Roblox works there?
DId u read the post? I’m on a MBP so I would dual boot to macOS (it’s not possible to run windows on it rn without a VM).
I forgot that part and thought Roblox was a Windows only game
the build quality is 2nd to none
Good luck when the ram or disk becomes defective 😂
Hush you 😅
My wife’s 2017-era MacBook Pro (with soldered SSD and RAM 🙄) has a mystery battery drain that’ll kill it within 12 hours, even on sleep mode. And I just installed a new battery in it… What an absolute pain in the ass - both the battery and the mystery sleep mode draw. Really loving Apple’s walled garden about now… /s
That hasn’t really happened with macs even up to several years old with those parts irreplaceable, by the time that would happen the device should be replaced.
Yes replaceable parts would be better but the ones on Macs do in fact last a very long time.
Survivor bias on a microsample. It absolutely does happen. It’s the nature of electronics. Not repairable == shit build quality, disposable garbage.