Why? You do realize, the summer time is the offset from the real timezone? And also it does not change the amount of hours we have in a day. It is still 24h :D
I don’t get people like you. Since your instance is feddit you’re probably from Germany where people have particularly strong opinions on arbitrary things. There’s like 45 minutes difference between sunrise / sunset / zenith between eastern and western parts of Germany so this argument kinda makes no sense. There’s also no “real” time zones because time zones are a human invention.
Good guess, but I am not from Germany. I just like the feddit instance.
Nonetheless you are right. The clock, the time zones - all of it are arbitrary and purely human inventions. However, I would argue there is an inherit value of keeping the timezones as accurate as possible.
My argument stems from seagoing. It makes much more sense from navigational and travel stand point to have the time zones roughly correlate to the zenith of the sun. I presume in aviation it could be similar, but not sure about that one.
This would make the navigation easier, travel easier and we would have some kind of concrete, unified system.
Of course dropping the DST are just baby steps. There are so many things wrong with our time system, but one can start somewhere.
In essence I guess I just want the time zones to mean something instead of this madness, that we have.
No it’s not. DST makes it so summer afternoons and evenings are useless because it’s too hot in the direct sunlight. By the time the sun goes down and you can actually be outside it’s time for bed.
We should move the clock a hour back in summer so we can actually enjoy the summer evenings.
Most people work or go to school in the morning. They can get up an hour earlier, but then they have just this one hour that they can enjoy before going to work. It’s not enought to meet friends, go for a longer walk or trip, or anything really. If the enjoyable hoir moves to the afternoon, it can be merged with the rest of the evening spare time and enjoyed better.
But if this is the consensus, that things should start earlier, then why not start them earlier, and leave the clock alone? Let the clock be a device that says, when the sun is roughly in its zenith.
Work begin time or school begin time are fairly superstitious and can be changed. I don’t see a reason to change the clock.
I think that would be as hard to achive as the abolition of time changes, maybe harder. I can already see all the emotions that would stir, the irrational fears of being more tired, the hatred of change in general… It could happen, but I don’t think it’s the easier way.
Let’s hope they keep the summer time
Edit: I meant all year round. I hate that it gets dark so soon in the winter
Why? You do realize, the summer time is the offset from the real timezone? And also it does not change the amount of hours we have in a day. It is still 24h :D
I don’t get people like you. Since your instance is feddit you’re probably from Germany where people have particularly strong opinions on arbitrary things. There’s like 45 minutes difference between sunrise / sunset / zenith between eastern and western parts of Germany so this argument kinda makes no sense. There’s also no “real” time zones because time zones are a human invention.
Good guess, but I am not from Germany. I just like the feddit instance.
Nonetheless you are right. The clock, the time zones - all of it are arbitrary and purely human inventions. However, I would argue there is an inherit value of keeping the timezones as accurate as possible.
My argument stems from seagoing. It makes much more sense from navigational and travel stand point to have the time zones roughly correlate to the zenith of the sun. I presume in aviation it could be similar, but not sure about that one.
This would make the navigation easier, travel easier and we would have some kind of concrete, unified system.
Of course dropping the DST are just baby steps. There are so many things wrong with our time system, but one can start somewhere.
In essence I guess I just want the time zones to mean something instead of this madness, that we have.
I’m well aware, but I prefer more light in the afternoon than in the early morning.
Having the middle of the day at 1 PM is nicer year-round
Your idea sounds like more heat when I try to sleep, and the alarm clock going off in the colder hours. I hate summer time so much.
No it’s not. DST makes it so summer afternoons and evenings are useless because it’s too hot in the direct sunlight. By the time the sun goes down and you can actually be outside it’s time for bed.
We should move the clock a hour back in summer so we can actually enjoy the summer evenings.
you do realize you can simply wake up earlier and it’ll have the same effect? :D
Edit: I see a couple of downvotes. Could some one give some arguments?
Most people work or go to school in the morning. They can get up an hour earlier, but then they have just this one hour that they can enjoy before going to work. It’s not enought to meet friends, go for a longer walk or trip, or anything really. If the enjoyable hoir moves to the afternoon, it can be merged with the rest of the evening spare time and enjoyed better.
But if this is the consensus, that things should start earlier, then why not start them earlier, and leave the clock alone? Let the clock be a device that says, when the sun is roughly in its zenith.
Work begin time or school begin time are fairly superstitious and can be changed. I don’t see a reason to change the clock.
I think that would be as hard to achive as the abolition of time changes, maybe harder. I can already see all the emotions that would stir, the irrational fears of being more tired, the hatred of change in general… It could happen, but I don’t think it’s the easier way.
Why not every country can decide what time they want to keep?
I believe this was the original EU plan. Scrap it, countries decide which timezone they want to stick with.
Extremely impractical internationally?