Russia has been bombarded in the biggest Ukrainian drone attack of the war, Moscow officials have said, on the same day as crunch talks are set to be held between Kyiv and the United States.
The Russian Defence Ministry said air defences shot down 337 Ukrainian drones over 10 Russian regions overnight, a record high, as Ukraine hit back at a series of brutal recent attacks launched by Moscow.
At least one Russian civilian has been killed and several injured, with dramatic footage showing fires raging from the exploding drones including in high rise residential buildings near Moscow.
The shit Muscovites are receiving a dose of their own fucking medicine. Shame it is not the same dose as Kiev receives.
I’m guessing I found the tankie instance lol
One of them, yup. There’s a real “my empire’s better than your empire” energy here, and a tendency to totally forget (or deliberately ignore?) the working class to defend said empire. I don’t block ml personally but I block a lot of people in it.
Daily Mail (essentially trump/putin media)
i wouldnt be surprised if the russians attacked themselves so they could turn back on their ceasefire and make the ukrainians look like war crazed terrorists.
ill believe it fully when the ukrainians themselves claim the attack on a non biased platform. this is practically a heresay news source from the far right.
I don’t support Putin but that doesn’t mean I blindly dismiss that civilians get harmed in military conflicts. The thrust of your reasoning appears to be “Ukraine is good, Russia is bad, killing civilians is bad, Ukraine killed Russian civilians…DOES NOT COMPUTE…CONTRADICTION…DISMISS THE FACTS”
Like, dude. War is Hell. And it’s never as simple as good guys and bad guys. Sure, Putin is a clear bad guy. But most everything else going on is morally grey. As for the facts of the attack, this was confirmed by AP, the BBC, and CNN. Are you sure the British are Trump/Putin media? What about the AP, which has been barred from the White House over Trump’s “Gulf of America” debacle? There’s no excuses for not simply looking it up. You made this post 35 minutes ago.
EDIT: To be clear, I do oppose Trump, Putin, and the Daily Mail. They are all authoritarian right-wing in ideology if not outright neo-fascist/neo-nationalist/proto-fascist
i wouldnt be surprised if the russians attacked themselves
The absolute state of libs. Put down the tinfoil.
Russians are at the same time desperate for a peace deal bc they’re getting decimated but staging an elaborate and incredibly expensive attack to jettison the deal. ??? Boy am I not surprised your ruling class doesn’t respect your intellect enough to pretend they’re not robbing you blind.
It’s sad but you can’t expect attacked countries to not fight back.
They committed a war crime. Take a moment to look at the photo gallery, they bombed civilian cars, civilian apartment complex, single family housing.
And they are doing this on the eve of a potential ceasefire. This is not “sad”, it’s malicious and counterproductive. This kind of attack does nothing to improve the balance of power of Ukraine, it’s essentially state terrorism.
Another ceasefire that the fucker Putin will break for 21st time.
Ukraine is torpedo’ing their own ceasefire offer by doing an indiscriminate drone attack (a war crime), and the first thing you think is “buh in my brain Putin would break tuh ceasefuhre uhnyways” ?
And how many war crime has Russia commited by indiscriminately bombing ukrainian civilians? So many you can’t even count them anymore. You don’t seem really bothered by the Russian war crimes. Strange.
That’s right numbnuts, Vlad already broke 20 ceasefires agreements before launching a full-scale invasion. Another thing, one should not trust the fucking Russians with anything. Currently, there are reports, he is positioning more troops along the Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish borders.
It’s so sad, if only Russia could’ve averted this tragedy somehow.
They tried, for 8 years. The West collectively said “nah, fuck you and your peace deals” and continued to bomb Donbas.
Now y’all are celebrating war crimes with the one hand and clutching your pearls that Russia hits back at military equipment fired from within hospitals (another fucking war crime from Ukraine) with the other.
I hope the upcoming burst of the bubble puts the west down for real, I can’t believe people like you are voting for the people in charge of the biggest military apparatus in human history.
Russia tried not attacking Ukraine for 8 years and then just had to do it? That does sound very Russian.
Friend, you’re clutching your pearls over a single attack but Russian invasion has caused tens of thousands of civilian deaths. Give me a break.
I know “no u” is the end all be all of lib argument, but I’m not clutching my pearls at anything. Russia is winning and Ukraine needs this peace deal, and politicians there are gonna have to acknowledge what the population wants soon or mass desertions are gonna be the least of their problems.
I’m sure there’s an argument relevant to the topic in your comment somewhere, I’m just not seeing it.
If only the west hadn’t provoked the whole conflict.
Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War with Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine
Ah yes, it was the West that made Russia attack. I wish Russia was a sovereign country that didn’t have to obey what West (apparently) tell it to do.
They are a sovereign country, a sovereign country that stated red lines in regard to their territorial security. The West knowingly provoked Russia by posturing that Ukraine would join NATO.
This is exactly the same reaction the US would have if the scenario was flipped (as stated in the Monroe doctrine). It is hugely hypocritical of the previous administration to pretend that Russia is in the wrong for wanting to secure their border.
Ah yes they needed to invade an another country because they felt threatened. Well I’m glad there was a justified reason for it at least.
This is exactly the same reaction the US would have if the scenario was flipped
And would you have been fine with it then, as you seem to be now? Because I sure as hell wouldn’t (and haven’t) been.
Every time Ukraine suffers a big military loss, they start doing massive attacks on civilians to distract from that.
edit: I guess basic facts of the situation makes people who’ve been guzzling propaganda for the past three years very upset
basic facts of the situation
I think it’s more the selective emphasis than the ‘basic facts’.
Something tells me you’ve never said that about people cherrypicking information that’s beneficial to Ukraine.
if you were capable of thinking you wouldn’t be making these vapid comments here
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Please do little fash.
Every time Russia suffers a big military loss, they start doing massive attacks on civilians to distract from that.
Uh-huh, Russia blows up its own civilian populations just like it blows up its own gas pipelines.
Deeply unserious cope.
its own
I’m trying my best to follow but where did “its own” come from here?
The civilian population under discussion is Russia’s own. That’s what this post is about.
You don’t understand the lib mindset, they’re always talking about their monster nazi rapist orc vs the good guys scenario. The post is just an excuse to bring out the script.
They kill their own citizens to hide military losses? You gotta be insane to believe this 😂
But i guess you also believe Russia destroyed their own infrastructure.
You don’t think a country like Russia would kill a few of their civilians in a false flag attack to win a war? Look up and read about any of the major false flag attacks throughout history, consider Russia has a deep history of genocide against their own population, and look up how many Ukrainian civilians have been killed by Russia in the last 8 years
Last I checked it’s AFU that’s getting routed in Kursk. Of course, nobody should expect people who weren’t able to engage with the facts for the past three years to start doing that now.
You mean… both of them do it?
Wow, the power of truth!
More correct is just “Russia is attacking civilians”
If Ukraine ran out of civilians they would start attacking civilians in another country
Sometimes I wonder how the fuck we as the world have been getting all of our shit stolen by people this delusional.
You’re a fucking hair away from being a nazi ragging on about how immigrants are gonna come in and assault everybody and then move elsewhere when they’re done, look in the mirror a little jfc. Hell, you’re already using their asiatic horde script.
There is a comedic lack of self awareness or a comedic lack of historical knowledge in your comment
Historical knowledge like this?
- BBC, 2014: Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict
- Human Rights Watch, 2014: Ukraine: Unguided Rockets Killing Civilians
- Consortium News, 2015: The Mess That Nuland Made Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s regime change without weighing the likely consequences.
- The Hill, 2017: The reality of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is far from Kremlin propaganda
- The Guardian, 2017: ‘I want to bring up a warrior’: Ukraine’s far-right children’s camp – video
- WaPo, 2018: The war in Ukraine is more devastating than you know
- Reuters, 2018: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem
- The Nation, 2019: Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine
- openDemocracy, 2019: Why Ukraine’s new language law will have long-term consequences
- Al Jazeera, 2022: Why did Ukraine suspend 11 ‘pro-Russia’ parties?
- NYT, 2024: U.N. Court to Rule on Whether Ukraine Committed Genocide
- History of Fascism in Ukraine: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
Or this?- George Washington Univ., 2017: NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner
- Orinoco Tribune, 2022: Former German Chancellor Merkel Admits that Minsk Peace Agreements Were Part of Scheme for Ukraine to Buy Time to Prepare for War With Russia
- Al Mayadeen, 2023: Zelensky admits he never intended to implement Minsk agreements
- Jeffrey Sachs, 2023: The War in Ukraine Was Provoked—and Why That Matters to Achieve Peace
- Jeffrey Sachs, 2023: NATO Chief Admits NATO Expansion Was Key to Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Or this?- The Intercept, 2021: Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World
- CounterPunch, 2022: NATO is Not a Defensive Alliance
- Noam Chomsky, 2023: NATO “most violent, aggressive alliance in the world”
- Thomas Fazi, 2024: NATO: 75 years of war, unprovoked aggressions and state-sponsored terrorism
- Gabriel Rockhill, 2020: The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized It
Somebody in here does have a lack of self awareness, but it’s tragic more than it is funny. I’m past seeing the fun in yet another westerner frothing at the mouth.
Do illuminate me though, I’m sure such a brash and confident attitude can only come from
white mediocrityreading a lot of history and political theory books and not just, like, vibes and half remembered headlines.Imperialism doesn’t just end at one country it continues. Look at Occupied China, their 1930 border was a lot smaller than their 1949 border, and they added Tibet. In recent history they added HK and are looking towards Taiwan
You know it’s not about liberating Ukrainians because Russia hasn’t returned any land, if you are going to say that’s because Ukraine is still evil then why aren’t the liberated lands independent of both Russia and Ukraine?
If you think Ukraine is the aggressor in this then how much ground combat has happened in Russia? I’m sure your unbiased/non-western sources are full of battles taking place around Moscow and Saint Petersburg
You think China peacefully reintegrating Hong Kong from British rule is… Chinese imperialism?
Ok one civilian killed, how many tactical targets did they hit? 337 shot down, how many drones did hit their target? sounds like this post shares only the absolute worst side of the story.
“The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed to have shot down at least 91 drones in the region around Moscow and more than 240 drones directed at other targets across the country.”
“The Ukrainian military said it had targeted Moscow’s oil refinery, which provides more than a third of the fuel consumed in the capital region, along with an oil production station in the Orel region. Neither claim could be independently verified.”
"Ukraine’s armed forces “struck a number of strategic objects of the Russian Federation involved in ensuring armed aggression against Ukraine,” they said in a statement Tuesday.
The Russian military said it shot down 337 Ukrainian drones over 10 Russian regions. Three people were killed and 18 injured, and several residential buildings damaged, according to Russian officials."
NYT does not say whether a civilian was killed or soldier. They all leave that out. Like almost all Western newspapers. Which is why you got Daily Mail.
Indeed I have seen stories about 1,2 or 3 deaths without mentioning it
At least use an archive link if you’re going to share the Daily Mail
When was it? I’m looking at Russian news and not seeing anything, they’re usually pretty eager to talk about drone attacks. I read about one on Nizhny Novgorod, IIRC it was early morning 11.03
Thanks! Guess I didn’t look hard enough
If Ukraine actually did this, it’s a beautiful find out stage after Russia has been fucking around for far too long. But the skeptic in me says this is actually a false flag staged to manufacture reasons to deny peace talks and continue to escalate.
People who don’t understand what Ukraine is doing are priviledged and their culture has never had to fight an oppressor or they won long ago and their people simply forgot what it was like to fight to survive.
My people were invaded, genocided and attempts were made to assimilate us after genocide attempts failed. Our patriots fought back for many years, but ultimately lost. Know what the oppressors called our patriots? The old way of calling your victim a “terrorist” for fighting back: A traitor to the crown (you can guess which nation did this to us now). Our patriots were hung in mass and anyone that believed in the cause and rebelled were also hung. Our patriots had killed many soldiers and civilians in the attempts to free our people from the invading nation. It was unavoidable and a necessary sacrifice to make for the cause in their minds. Today, we have a holiday in their honour, as our people ended up surviving the genocide and assimilation attempts and we didn’t forget their efforts to free us.
Death is part of war and a victim of oppression is allowed to defend themselves from being genocided. The struggles to survive don’t just happen within people’s rose tinted glasses. I’m tired of the priviledged trying to control the narrative of what is “right” or “wrong” for a nation to do in response to being genocided.
Have you ever considered that Ukraine doesn’t want peace talks to succeed? Agree with it or not, they want their land back. By attacking Russia in its capital heavily right before peace talks, they’re daring Putin to fume about it and end up violating the ceasefire, giving Ukraine the ability to say “We told you so” and ask for more money from the US and EU.
Ukraine attacking civilians is old news. They love crashing their drones into whatever house is nearby when they fail to find a military target.
Thankfully Russia has taken great care to avoid civilian deaths, which is why we thankfully never have to include it as context.
Russia doesn’t need a pretext, they’re winning the war. Meanwhile, the fact that you think terrorist attacks against civilians is a beautiful things says all we need to know about you as a person.
Theh government started a war with another country. They are at war and people die in war. Want civilians to not die? End the war and go home.
That’s what yankees are about to do, they’re going to end their proxy war with Russia and go home this year.
their proxy war
Meanwhile Russia did the war-war. I think you should do two posts about war-war accountability for every one post about proxy-war accountability.
Meanwhile, you should spend a bit of time to understand the subject you’re attempting to opine on so as not to publicly embarrass yourself.
Oh my god.
The propaganda machine has gotten to you.
Oh you’re a troll, NVM I’ll stop taking you seriously.
“Everyone who ignores herd mentality is a troll.”
That’s legitimately how bad things have gotten. Glad I don’t take kids like you seriously anymore.
Bye fash.
That’s rich coming out of you!
I see we have a connoisseur of the horseshoe theory on our hands here.
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This shouldn’t have been removed, even if I disagree with it.
guess you didn’t have that tune on 9/11
If you had that tune then surely you’re in favour of this?
Idk, I think the financiers directly profiting off US resource wars and bookkeeping for the pentagon had more to do with the war than random schoolchildren and grandmas sleeping far away from any military targets.
What about the janitors, cleaners and other regular people working in the building, perhaps the passengers of those planes?
I mean if you are fine with that sort of collateral damage then I don’t see why you wouldn’t be fine when it happens to Russia. Wouldn’t want to be hypocritical…
Wouldn’t want to be hypocritical
Pot, kettle. You are apparently fine with it happening to Russian citizens, but against it happening to yanks. Maybe look in the mirror a bit harder
Buddy, I’m not the one who wrote that original message. Maybe look at the usernames a bit harder. I didn’t write anything about being against it happening to Yanks.
Like said, wouldn’t want to be hypocritical.
This is a stupid escalation. If Russia so wished, they could level Kyiv overnight, they have more than enough weapons to do it.
Now, that would be the kind of shit liberals pretend Russia is already doing, just carpet bombing the entire area willy nilly (because they think what the fascist US does is what everyone does), but it’s not been the strategy, given that Russia doesn’t want to make a lifelong enemy of the Ukrainian people and it would make the peace talks that Russia hasn’t taken off the table from day one all but impossible.
The only reason this is happening is because Zelensky knows what awaits him specifically as soon as the war is done, he’ll get hung out to dry for all the war crimes the US commissioned in the first place.
If Russia so wished, they could level Kyiv overnight
AKA the “Jeffrey Dahmer could have been worse” argument lol
Relevant SMBC:
Lawyer: Okay, let’s say my client killed his wife. What about the people he didn’t kill?! That’s six billion people! Don’t they matter? Don’t they matter?!
Caption: In an alternate universe, Jeffrey Dahmer has a thank you parade every year.
I swear to god libs are incapable of conceiving more than 5 people in their head at any time, always with the reductive analogies, and it’s always a rapist or a serial killer or both. Grow the fuck up.
how boring of a shill do you have to be to want to try and cast Russia as a hero at any point in the past 100 years, let alone in the past 11?
what a disgusting asshole writing complete fiction.
Regardless of your opinion on the current war, the Soviet Union was by and large one of the best countries in the 20th century, from siding with Palestine, Cuba, China, etc to defeating the Nazis to making dramatic strides for the working class. Of all the major world powers, the Soviet Union was definitely the most able to be considered heroic.
Regardless of your opinion on the current war
“Other than that, how was the play?”
If you can explain where the Soviet Union still exists I’d love to know, but to my knowledge it dissolved in the early 90s and thus isn’t a participent.
Well that’s a completely deranged take but okay.
No facts, no thoughts, just thinking Hollywood propaganda films are as good as reading a book lmao
Great point, Holodomor was fabricated by Hollywood on the same fake sets as the moon landing. There’s literally no reasonable good faith charitable interpretation that could possibility be referencing a legitimate criticism. This elevates the quality of communication and is an indication of good faith participation in conversations sincerely directed at cultivating shared understanding.
Close, it was invented by literal Nazis and spread by Hollywood and William Randolph Hearst and revived during the 80s by spurious studies done by Harvard in service of rekindling the cold war.
I know I should know better than expecting libs to ever read anything other than YA fiction but here it goes anyway. Plenty of citations, very concise.
Also, for how much libs rag on about bots you’d think y’all would stop writing like you’re getting paid by the word. Talk like normal people, five dollar words do you no good when you flail them around to hide your cookie cutter views. Only children and redditors think more bigger words=smarter.
The only deranged thing here is your comment.
I think that’s a low effort cheap shot but because there’s sympathetic dogpiling voting patterns you get to evade criticism for doing the same thing.
You’re welcome child.
How so?
If Russia so wished, they could level Kyiv overnight, they have more than enough weapons to do it.
i don’t think you realize how big cities are. that’s a lot of bombs.
and why would they destroy the thing that they are trying to win? how would that make sense
how would that make sense
Ask the media that’s been screeching about a “full scale invasion” since 2022
Winnie the Pooh loves honey too!
America nuked Japan twice and they ended up pretty good friends. If Russia could, they would. They don’t want to get pants’ed on the world stage.
You want to make a lifelong enemy? Renege on 20 peace deals since 2014.
The peace deals that Ukraine kept violating from day one (probably by order of the US, given that Israel does the same shit of calling it a ceasefire and insisting only the others actually cease firing). There’s videos of Zelensky going to Azov and telling them to abide by the peace deals and them laughing in his fucking face.
Here: from a fucking hErOiC and uNbiASed source.
I thought the concept of lebensraum was violently debunked nearly 80 years ago but apparently some people didn’t get the memo. Sounds like most of you skipped the lesson on how appeasement turns out too.
Sovereign state #1 ⚔️
Sovereign state #2 🛡
Its pretty morally clear cut when you use your own brain to think about it.
Yes, a lot of different states get involved in an international conflicts. Its not pretty or squeaky clean, that’s how war works. If you didn’t want that then you should have opposed the decades of aggression from Putin’s Russia, it’s a bit late to get your hackles up now.
But you do you man, you can whatabout and bothsides all the way to the firing squad. I’ll be rooting for your gold medal in the mental gymnastics event.
Don’t call someone stupid when you can’t even put together a coherent thought
Learning a few German words and pretending everyone’s a nazi except for the people who hired every Nazi they could find isn’t a substitute for actually reading history and understanding current politics.
There’s not a single serious analyst claiming Russia is pursuing this war in the interest of land, they have the largest landmass in all of Eurasia, you fucking clown. This war started because of the US coup, states seceded because they didn’t recognize their Washington appointed government as legitimate.
But you do you man, you can whatabout and bothsides all the way to the firing squad
Lmao. Tough talk coming from armchair generals as per usual when they’re not busy clutching pearls that the Ukraine military got absolutely dogwalked. Have fun with your oncoming cost of living crisis once the line stops going up because you were too busy frothing at the mouth at whomever the state department pointed you to. Be careful not to get a cold, might end up an indentured servant sooner than that.
Wow. I’m kinda shocked by this news. Ukraine on the offensive? Why?
They’re not on an offensive, they’re just sending drones to attack civilian infrastructure to distract from their collapse in Kursk
They need to have some success to put onto the table and show USA and EU they still can win. Regardless of this “win” being basically terror attack, USA and EU loves them anyway.
Negotiations in Saudi right now. Ukraine probably wants to show they are willing to bomb cities just like Russia if they do not get a good deal.
Likely also to distract from the massive disaster that’s unfolding in Kursk.
How come when Russia drops bombs it’s a military target (or something meters away from one) but when Ukraine drops bombs it’s always schools, apartments, and shopping malls?
Russia just killed six people, including two children in Donetsk yesterday.
Russia has dropped many bombs on civilians building and infrastructure. again, meters away from military targets.
Amnesty has to throw its “both sides” shit into it as always but even a propaganda arm of the UK government admits Ukraine has been deliberately firing weapons dangerously close and often within civilian infrastructure. That “hamas uses human shields” nonsense that nobody ever provides proof of? There’s ample proof when it comes to Ukraine (and Israel), it’s the CIA playbook.
At 22 out of 29 schools visited, Amnesty International researchers either found soldiers using the premises or found evidence of current or prior military activity – including the presence of military fatigues, discarded munitions, army ration packets and military vehicles.
Maybe read your own article?
“…In certain other locations in which Amnesty International concluded that Russia had committed war crimes, including in some areas of the city of Kharkiv, the organization did not find evidence of Ukrainian forces located in the civilian areas unlawfully targeted by the Russian military.”
Using your same source (therefore I assume you accept it as credible) here are a few articles from this year showing Russia as the problem in the conflict, including one specifically calling out the Russia war crimes against civilians (you should particularly pay attention to the link to the report about “deadly Russian airstrikes on civilians”)
What is that quote supposed to prove or disprove? No one is denying that Russia has a perfect scorecard for respecting international treaties.
The bigger point of this article (that seems to go over your head) is that Ukraine also has a responsibility to prevent civilian casualties, which it has neglected regularly. Furthermore, the drone bombing act seems to have been a massive indiscriminate attack, looking at the images, there’s multiple nonsensical targets such as civilians dwelling and some civilian parking lots. Whyever would any serious military target those? All this does is escalate a bloody conflict that should’ve been diplomatically settled years ago.
Maybe understand that Amnesty always has been a tool for manufacturing consent for western intervention, and if they’re criticizing a western ally that means something is horribly wrong with them, but they’re gonna have to fling criticism at the other party any way they can as well.
I don’t use it because I consider it trustworthy in and of itself, but because you probably do. In the same way you’d probably use a CGTN source to say “even china admits it” or teleSUR to say “even Venezuela admits it” when criticizing either of them.
the same way you’d probably use a CGTN source to say “even china admits it” or teleSUR to say “even Venezuela admits it” when criticizing either of them.
Nah, it’s just China bad with infinite Zenz source loops.
I don’t use it because I consider it trustworthy in and of itself, but because you probably do
Right but the source you cited was literally saying the exact opposite of what you claimed.
Interesting, thank you for sharing.
One of these two actors is actively and aggressively siezing strategic territory needed for a sound position in a changing climate. I’ll give you a hint: neither of them give a shit about living in Russia.
I hope to see this same victim blaming enthusiasm when America invades Canada and Greenland for the same reasons.
Nice word salad you got there, but smashing a dozen military sounding buzzwords doesn’t make your sentences coherent, it just makes you look like a dumbass redditor.
Also “If you’re not critical of military opposition to american interventionism, I hope to see you enthusiastic about American interventionism for the same reasons”. You libs would be funny as hell if I didn’t have to live with the consequences of your racism and idiocy.
Didn’t Russia bomb a building with “children” painted in front of it once
Please tell me you are being sarcastic.
If that’s not possible, please check news sources other than RT.
You are either a troll, a Russian bot, or completely obtuse.
bombing civilian targets yields bigger optics and fatigues the population
i don’t know that the split in strategy between the two belligerents is as plain as you’re implying though