Meanwhile Israel will participate yet again while committing genocide and ethnic cleansing.
So remember kids: Murdering, Raping, Torturing and Starving women and girls is okay. Using a word that might sound like it is referring to their private parts, even though the word is just normal in your language, is completely unacceptable.
With the abundance of languages in the EU I imagine that allows us to find quite many words that are phonetically similar to rude words of other languages.
Wouldn’t it be fun to see if it’s only the English language that are afforded such privileges of denial?On the other hand I don’t really care what happens in the eurovision song contest.
I’m Maltese and I fully support this. The whole song is in english, except for this one word. And it’s used in this particular context, and the word doesn’t really make sense in the rest of the sentence. This is definitely a “leopards ate my face” moment
I’d say the issue here is that the rest of the song is in English. It’s literally only this one word that is supposedly in Maltese, in the sentence “I do it all the time, serving kant”.
That sounds reasonable and I can understand the decision. only gave us this for context:The chorus of Conte’s empowerment anthem contains the phrase “serving kant” – a queer or drag slang phrase roughly meaning “to express boldness”.
That could be a new type of competition, a cuntetition will you say
- English: Cunt
- French:
MerdeConnard - German:
ScheißeFotze - Spanish:
CabrónCoño - Italian:
Stronzofiga - Dutch: Kut
- Swedish: Fitta
- Danish:
Lortfisse - Norwegian: Drit
- Finnish:
Paskavittu - Portuguese: Merda
- Russian: Хуй (khuy)
- Polish: Kurwa
- Czech: Hovno
- Hungarian: Szar
- Greek: Μαλάκας (malakas)
- Turkish: Siktir
- Romanian: Măgar
- Bulgarian: Пикня (piknya)
- Slovak: Hovno
- Slovenian: Sranje
- Croatian: Jebeni
- Serbian: Јебати (jebati)
- Ukrainian: Хуй (khuy)
- Lithuanian: Šūdas
- Latvian: Sūds
- Estonian: Sitt
I don’t know the source of this list, but #15 actually means ‘shit’ (like with several other languages in the comment).
However, I understand it’s not easy, because I wouldn’t say there is a straight equivalent of it in the language. You could go for ‘picsa’, but that’s often typically used for women, or it’s closer in meaning to the english ‘bitch’. ‘Pöcs’ has a similar vibe when used specifically on males, but it’s much closer to being ‘prick’. Then there’s ‘köcsög’, which has a closer vibe to ‘scumbag’, but at least not so gender specific. I guess it’s situational.
I Kant believe you’ve done this.
What a bunch of Cunts.
Headline fix: “Cunts tell Conte on Kant: You Can’t!”