A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos and photos of passersby and other drivers flicking them off, leaving notes that say “WHAT’S ELON’S CUM TASTE LIKE?,” and “NAZI CAR,” and people kicking their cars, throwing slices of cheese at it, etc.
EDIT: Also, obligatory…
Destroying people’s property is not a joke. Kicking, spray painting, throwing food at, and other forms of harassment are wrong. The last administration told everyone to “go electric” so people tried to do what they thought was right. Cars are a huge expense, people can’t " just go get another one".
No one bought a six figure truck with no reasonable application because they thought it was right thing to do, they did it to show how they had more disposable income than you and that they aligned with hatred. They deserve much worse than anything I see here.
people buy it so they can brag about it.
The biden\harris administration told people to buy electric, offered tax breaks, and tax rebates for 4 years. Every car manufacturer started producing electric cars at their request. Where have you been?
You’re being disingenuous, for example by equating the cybertrucks and some other Teslas being “destroyed” (sure in some cases but not by slices of cheese or notes) with any and all electric cars, or by equating the negative sentiment against Tesla with negative sentiment against any EV.
No you’re being disingenuous by attempting to change the topic we are actually discussing which was people being harassed for driving the “wrong type of electric car” by terrible people who feel justified in victimizing them. While these victimizers congratulate themselves for being “good people” which they are not.
If it was a 5 year old Tesla you might have a point. There is no excuse for the memetruck.
They’re all masochists. I’ve never seen a group that wants to be oppressed more than conservatives. Their lives revolve around bullshit perceived aggrievement.
Christian conservatives are the worst of them all. Their entire society is steeped in their religion; it’s literally unavoidable, despite the first amendment being very clear. If the US has a culture, it would heavily overlap with Christianity.
And yet they have convinced themselves that they are being oppressed. Because someone dared to challenge their obviously unconstitutional bullshit. It’s so pathetic.
A lot of core concepts in Christianity are incompatible with being white in America. It’s a religion for the oppressed being practiced by the oppressors. They’re the Pharisees. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out how to see themselves as the lepers and the Jews.
So, they acting at the same level as Nazi…
Buying a Cybertruck: a choice
Being Jewish, a woman, transgender, disabled, etc, etc: not a choice
I don’t think that’s the distinction.
the distinction is throwing cheese at a fucking death trap of a car is not even remotely “the same level” as advocating for the extermination of groups of people, regardless of whether those groups are based on choices or immutable characteristics. you have to be actually cartoonishly insane to even think this is even comparable to anything associated with nazis.
another distinction is that nazis do and advocate for abhorrent shit, and anything done to a nazi is therefore self defense.
Nazis are well known for having thrown slices of cheese at things.
If only throwing cheese, they vandalizing cars and charges
oh yeah they’re known for vandalizing … jews? what the fuck are you sniffing right now?
At this point you might want to look up what level the Nazis were at.
Cybertrucks are ugly, poorly-built, and poorly-designed vehicles. These protesters are doing any potential owners who get deterred from wasting their money on them a favor.
I test drove one because I had to know. It was awful. I’ve driven dozens of different vehicles and it by far is the worst I’ve ever driven. It’s just stupid. Everything about it is stupid.
It also felt satisfying to cost Tesla like $10 in electricity and wear and tear.
I have a feeling that one of Elon’s kids were the inspiration. One told him while watching Blade Runner or something with them “Why does the future not look like the future?”, then he decided to cook, and people around him let him.
Elon doesn’t spend time with his children. They are meat shields to him.
Close, except it’s himself coming up with the idea. His kids are smarter than that